

5 pages with 15 panels of charts. Series (nominal and real) for total compensation, wages & salaries and benefits are shown for five major categories.




Last Updated : 04/30/24

18 pages with 49 panels of charts and a statistical summary. Series shown include Civilian Labor Force, Employed, Unemployed, Unemployment Rate, Hours and Earnings of Production Workers and Nonfarm Payrolls broken down into major categories.

Last Updated : 07/05/24

8 pages with 32 panels of charts. Each page shows the monthly change by decade from 1940 through 2009 and from 2003 to present for total nonfarm payrolls, goods-producing payrolls, private service payrolls and government payrolls.

Last Updated : 07/05/24

8 pages with 32 panels of charts. Each page shows the monthly change by decade from 1940 through 2009 and from 2003 to present for total nonfarm payrolls, goods-producing payrolls, private service payrolls and government payrolls.

Last Updated : 07/05/24

8 pages with 16 panels of charts and a statistical summary. Series shown are Initial and Continued Unemployment Insurance Claims, Average Weeks Unemployed, Unemployment Rate and Claims as a % of the Civilian Labor force.

Last Updated : 07/25/24

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